

Matilda rocky kimomo Agasobanuye fyp rocky kimomo


A girl endowed with a sharp intellect and psychic abilities employs both to deal with her crude, distant family and to free her kind teacher from their sadistic headmistress.

Matilda Wormwood is a beautiful and clever young lady. Unfortunately, her parents, Harry and Zinnia, misinterpret her because they believe she is so unique. With the passage of time, she eventually begins school, where she encounters a caring teacher, devoted classmates, and a nasty headmistress. As she grows tired of the relentless brutality, she realizes she possesses telekinetic abilities. She unexpectedly turns the tables after a few days of practice to stand up to Harry and Zinnia and outwit the headmistress.

Matilda Wormwood, a kind and brilliant youngster of remarkable intelligence, is unlike the rest of her family. She retreats into a world of reading, developing her talents, and exercising her intellect so much that she acquires telekinetic powers, while being misunderstood by everyone and neglected at home. Matilda needs all the help she can get when she is sent to Crunchem Hall Elementary School, which is run by the cruel, hulking headmistress Miss Agatha Trunchbull. But, in the midst of the darkness, Matilda finds a ray of hope in her first-grade teacher, Miss Jennifer Honey, who recognizes her remarkable abilities, including a very special talent that allows her to turn the tables on the evil adults in her world. Will they ever recognize her brilliance?