

Michael Morbius, a biochemist, attempts to cure himself of a rare blood ailment, but instead infects himself with a sort of vampirism.

Dr. Morbius, who is critically ill with a rare blood condition and committed to help others in his situation, takes a risky gamble. What looks to be a startling success quickly exposes itself to be a treatment that may be worse than the sickness.

Dr. Michael Morbius, who suffers from a rare hereditary blood condition, is aware that he is living on borrowed time. Morbius is now out of alternatives after years of futile attempts to discover a cure. But this lethal illness has plagued him since boyhood, and he can't afford to wait any longer. As Morbius becomes desperate and resolves to risk his life to obtain results, an unstable and highly experimental serum provides a solution. But what if the treatment is more harmful than the disease?